
Lebensader-Taugl-Idealer-Standort Around 15 different species of grasshopper have been documented in the Tauglgries nature reserve, including true rarities north of the Alps. They require warm, dry areas without vegetation cover. Such habitats are found on a natural river like the Taugl, but have become very rare.

Grasshopper egg clutches and nymphs are very vulnerable to trampling. The small nymphs are barely able to hop away. Egg clutches are unknowingly trampled in the fall or winter.

The higher altitude pebble fields are important refuge areas during flooding. The dynamics of the wild river, however, are lacking in these areas. These areas develop a thick vegetation cover and become unsuitable for grasshoppers. The Nature Conservancy is therefore endeavoring to clear suitable areas and to create migration corridors for connecting the isolated grasshopper sites.

 "Pebble bank locust" Chorthippus pullus


The "pebble bank locust" (Chorthippus pullus) has no accepted English language common name and the only place in Salzburg where it is found is the Tauglgries European Nature Reserve. Although its population is threatened with extinction, another site was discovered in the nature reserve in 2014. Pebble bank locusts live on alluvial soils with sparse vegetation cover.

 Lebensader-Taugl-Cpullus-Eiablage-1 Lebensader-Taugl-Goldschrecke-1 Lebensader-Taugl-Rote-Keulenschrecke-Grufus-1 Lebensader-Taugl-Chorthippus-brunneus