
The Tauglgries is part of the Natura 2000 European reserve network, the aim of which is to conserve Europe's richness of wild animals and plants and their habitats. This requires efforts on the national and international level.

In the Natura 2000 reserve network, the EU Member States hope to preserve the habitats and species for future generations that have a special importance for all of Europe, one that transcends national borders.

Various habitat types are protected under law in the Tauglgries European reserve. These include the vast gravel plains in the river with the surrounding vegetation as well as the forests along and above the river. The "Tauglgries" reserve is 50.65 ha in area.

Habitats of European significance in the Tauglgries:

  • Alpine river and the herbaceous vegetation along its banks - FFH habitat type 3220 - subtype 3222
  • Alpine river and its ligneous vegetation with Salix eleagnos - FFH habitat type 3240
  • Middle European orchid-limestone-beech forest (Cephalanthero-Fagion) - FFH habitat type 9150
  • Mixed forests of slopes, screes and ravines (Tilio-Acerion) - FFH habitat type 9180*
  • Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion Incanae, Salicion albae) - FFH habitat type 91E0* (small percentage of the land area)

You can find more detailed information on the treasures of the Tauglgries under „The Animals“ and „The Plants“.