
Lebensader-Taugl-GebirgsstelzeThe grey wagtail Motacilla cinerea colonizes fast flowing natural waters with a variety of current conditions, rocky banks, and islands. Like the kingfisher and the dipper (or water ouzel), the grey wagtail needs a steep bank as a nesting site. It feeds on the naiads of stoneflies and mayflies, caddisfly larvae, and other small aquatic animals.

In a burrow near the water, the female builds a nest out of moss and grass and lines it with hair. Once or twice per breeding season it generally lays five yellowish-brown eggs with gray-brown speckles between April and June, which are brooded by the parents for 12 to 14 days. Both parents feed the nestlings, which are fledged after 11 to 16 days Lebensader-Taugl-Bachstelze

The grey wagtail nests in the upper section of the Tauglgries European reserve. Other breeding territories in the lower region, which were still documented in 2007, could no longer be confirmed.

The closely related white wagtail Motacilla alba is a frequent visiting species and migrant. It is readily identified by its typical tail bobbing and gray-blue coloration.

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