Removal of Himalayan balsam from the Tauglgries nature reserve

The Mountain and Park Ranger Service and NMS Bad Vigaun students made an invaluable contribution to the maintenance of the reserve.

Lebensader-Taugl-Neophyten-2 The Tauglgries European Nature Reserve harbors a unique natural river landscape. The Tennengau Nature Conservancy undertakes diverse activities and initiatives with the aim of conserving the rare habitats with their endangered animal and plant species found here. One such initiative involved the removal of Himalayan balsam (Impatiens glandulifera). The Tennengau team of the Salzburg Mountain and Park Ranger Service and two school classes from NMS Bad Vigaun provided energetic support.


Invasive neophytes

Lebensader-Taugl-Goldrute The term neophytes ("new plants") refers to alien plant species that have either "recently" (since the year 1492) immigrated or been introduced to a new range through human activity. This happens continuously and frequently, through nurseries and garden stores for example. The vast majority of these neophytes pose no problems and are barely able to survive in nature without human help. However, there are very competitive plants that can have negative impacts on species diversity due to their ecology. Along with "Himalayan balsam", examples of other troublesome weeds in Central Europe include "Japanese knotweed" (Fallopia japonica), "Canada goldenrod and giant goldenrod" (Solidago canadensis and S. gigantea). Because of their tendency to spread rapidly and out-compete other (in some cases rare) plant species, these species are also called invasive neophytes.

Neophyte control in the Tauglgries

Lebensader-Taugl-Neophyten-6 In order to prevent negative impacts from the spreading of Himalayan balsam in the Tauglgries, there was a maintenance action on 16 June 2014. With two classes from NMS Bad Vigaun, an energetic group of around 50 helpers was ready for action. Equipped with work gloves and under the expert guidance of Nature Conservancy and Mountain and Park Ranger staff members, these young people cleared a substantial portion of the Himalayan balsam populations from the Tauglgries. An important contribution to the preservation of this unique natural area was thus made. With pride, the students gave a presentation on their fantastic work at the end of the initiative.


A debt of thanks is owed to the dedicated students and teachers


of NMS Bad Vigaun, to the Community of Bad Vigaun for their support of the initiative and disposal of the rogued-out weeds, and also to the helpers of the Salzburg Mountain and Park Ranger Service.



red/July 2014